What Are Some Things That I Should Look Out For During Terrazzo Repair And Restoration?

Terrazzo floors and Terrazzo Repair have experienced a renaissance recently after modern day homeowners rediscovered its inherent charm and durability, qualities which it brings into any home it decorates. However, most have been subjected to varied means of handling – some of these floors have been hidden from sight after it became outmoded, while others have simply been left in time’s hands, left to its own wear and tear without treatment. If you’ve recently discovered that you have one of these beautiful floors underneath your home, and wish to restore it to its former glory, there are some things that you should be watching out for.

One is that, you don’t really know what’s underneath your current floor. Yes, your great- aunt did mention that the living room floor used to be terrazzo, but if you’ve never actually seen it, then you don’t really know what state it was in before they covered it up. Before scraping off the current flooring that you have in favour of the hidden terrazzo, try to have a peek of it first, by peeling off a little of the current flooring at some inconspicuous space in the room. Try the flooring on the corner, or one underneath a big cupboard. If it looks like something you’d want to have as your flooring surface, then peel away. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Once the top layer has been peeled back, I’m sure that your floor will have its fair share (or more) of cracks and holes. These problems have to be addressed before repolishing and resealing your terrazzo floor. To start, sweep the floor free of dust and other particles. Secondly, create a patch mixture of grout or Portland cement, and make sure that when dry, the patch mixture will match the colour of your floor’s binding. You could mix the marble or quartz chips in with the mixture, or just apply it on top of the patched area after application. After creating the mixture, fill the gap on your floor to the brim, and then level it with the rest of the floor surface.

If your terrazzo floor is currently covered in carpeting, then of course you will have to remove the carpet first before any repair or polishing could be done. To remove the carpet, cut it off at the sides close to its tracks. Then carefully cut out the wood tracks as close to the nails as possible. If you so choose, you could pull out the nails and follow the steps mentioned above. Or you could avoid all that hard work by just cutting the nail heads off, then levelling the remainder to the ground, to be polished later along with the rest of the terrazzo floor.

If you happen to see any scratches on your terrazzo repair, then be sure to take note of its location so that during the grinding process, you can do a little extra grinding on it to level it. After patching up the floor, it will need to be rid of all dust again, then later buffed and sealed. Run a wet mop through it every two weeks or so to be able to retain your terrazzo floor’s shine. Should you wish to use cleaning agents, choose one that has neutral pH, as most stone floors are sensitive to acidity and alkalinity. If you’re not sure about your cleaning product’s pH level, then you could simply choose a terrazzo- specific floor cleaner to avoid any mistakes. With proper care and maintenance, your terrazzo floor will retain its shine, and remain to be a pride of your home for many years to come. Studying a thing or two about about Marble Polishing is not really a poor thought at all. Verify the online world for a lot more fantastic tips about how to take proper care of your treasured floors.